Monday, 6 January 2014

Interactive JavaScript Charting for Salesforce Objects using - HighCharts

Salesforce provides a number of dashboards and reports, which support a variety of business charts. These charts can be Simpler to create and customize because they do not require programming in Visualforce or Apex. But it doesn't provide much information or interaction, need manual refresh to synchronize datas, limitations in axis selections.

Using Javascript with some custom componenets and visualforce pages we can create an intuitive charts for our organization.It offers variations on bar, line, area and pie charts commonly used in business graphics. If you need different chart types, or want to add advanced user or page interactions, you might want to investigate using a JavaScript charting library instead.This is more work, but allows greater customization.

What is JavaScript Charting?
JavaScript charting gives you an easy way to create customized business charts, based on data sets you create directly from SOQL queries, or by building the data set in your own Apex code. By combining and configuring individual data series, you can compose charts that display your data in ways meaningful to your organization.
JavaScript charts are rendered client-side using JavaScript. This allows charts to be animated and visually exciting, and chart data can load and reload asynchronously, which can make the page feel more responsive.

Why Would You Use JavaScript Charting?
Use JavaScript charting when the standard Salesforce charts and dashboards are insufficient, or when you wish to compose custom pages that combine charts and data tables in ways that are more useful to your organization.

Who Provides these?
There are many javascript code providers for the charting with complete documentation and libraries, some of the providers like HighCharts, extJs, GoogleCharts etc, provides various charts for different purposes.

                         Sample Implementation Using HighChart:
1.  <apex:page controller="HighStockControllerdemo">
3.  <apex:includeScript value="{!URLFOR($Resource.Highstock, '/js/jquery.min.js')}"/>
4.  <apex:includeScript value="{!URLFOR($Resource.Highstock, 'js/highstock.js')}"/>
5.  <apex:includeScript value="{!URLFOR($Resource.Highstock, 'js/modules/exporting.js')}"/>
6.  <script language="JavaScript1.2" src="/js/functions.js"></script>
7.  <script src="/soap/ajax/9.0/connection.js" type="text/javascript"></script>
9.  <script type="text/javascript" language="javascript">
10.  $(function () {
11.     $('#container').highcharts({
12.         chart: {
13.             plotBackgroundColor: null,
14.             plotBorderWidth: null,
15.             plotShadow: false
16.         },
17.         title: {
18.             text: 'Invoice Statuses Report'
19.         },
20.         tooltip: {
21.             pointFormat: '{}: <b>{point.percentage:.1f}%</b>'
22.         },
23.         plotOptions: {
24.             pie: {
25.                 allowPointSelect: true,
26.                 cursor: 'pointer',
27.                 dataLabels: {
28.                     enabled: true,
29.                     color: '#000000',
30.                     connectorColor: '#000000',
31.                     format: '<b>{}</b>: {point.percentage:.1f} %'
32.                 },showInLegend: true
33.             }
34.         },
35.         series: [{
36.             type: 'pie',
37.             name: 'Invoice Chart',
38.             data: [{!LeaveStringColumn}]
39.                 }]
40.     });
41. });
43. </script>
45. <div id="wrapper">
46. <div id="container"></div>
47. </div>
48. </apex:page>

1.  public  class HighStockControllerDemo{
3.  public List<Invoice__c> invList;
4.  public HighStockControllerdemo() {
5.  invList=[SELECT id,Status__c,Invoice_Total__c from Invoice__c];
6.  }
8.  public String getLeaveStringColumn()
9.  {
10. Map<String,Decimal> invMap = new Map<String, Decimal> {};
11.    for(Invoice__c invLoop:invList)
12.   {
13.       invMap.put(invLoop.Status__c, invLoop.Invoice_Total__c);
14.   }
15. return  coloumnclass.getColumn(invMap);
17. }
18. }

1.  global class coloumnclass
2.  {
3.  global static String getColumn(Map<String,Decimal> mapIn) {
5.      String mapString = '';
6.      for (String fieldName : mapIn.keySet())
7.      {
8.      if (mapString != '')
9.      mapString += ',';
10.     mapString += '['+'\''+fieldName+'\''+','+mapIn.get(fieldName)+']';
11.     }
12.     return mapString;
14. }
15. }



Gamification: Engagement Strategies for Business and IT

Gamification has emerged as a significant trend in recent years. Gamification uses game mechanics and game design techniques in non-gaming context – it's a powerful tool to engage employees, customers and the public to change behaviors, develop skills and drive innovation. Our Special Report evaluates the trends, how gamification is being applied in various industries and explores its future opportunities.

Is it working?
Most VPs of Sales get excited when they think about the idea of gamification within their organization. Salespeople are a highly competitive bunch, and the ability to tap into that competitive element is very natural. Plus, when you can use these new software tools to make an existing investment in a CRM system more engaging for sales reps, it’s a pretty compelling story. 

Salesforce Adoption Is Up
Cost and adoption are often pressing issues for companies that use a CRM system. Companies spend massive amounts of money on their CRMs, but research shows that 50% of implementations fail. With a gamification initiative, managers are forced to identify those top behaviors they want their teams to focus on, which streamlines metrics so that a CRM system can track them. Once your salespeople know these key behaviors, and see that they are being recognized for them in front of their peers, adoption spikes – a lot, according to our data. The goal of CRM implementation is to be able to measure performance. A well-crafted gamification strategy turns that vision into reality. 

Additionally, 84% reported an increase in adoption after implementing the ability to deploy competitions and games around the data tracked in Salesforce. This hike in adoption allows managers to leverage that big CRM investment.

So How Does Gamification Motivate a Sales Force?
From Nike+ to Angry Birds, we’ve all fallen under the lure of gamification, but how does it apply to sales? Gamification, in essence, is motivation, and that’s really all your sales team needs a little (or a lot) more of.
1. Healthy Competition
2. Engagement
3. Training